Mardi Bras 2025: This collection in Whitman & Latah counties focuses on the dignity of women impacted by poverty. If you can, please bring new bras, undergarments, socks, feminine hygiene or general hygiene items and put them in the bins in the social hall. The items will be donated to Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse. The collection ends on Mardi Gras (Tuesday, March 4.).......Mardi Bras 2025: esta colección en los condados de Whitman y Latah se centra en la dignidad de las mujeres afectadas por la pobreza. Si puede, traiga sujetadores, ropa interior, calcetines, artículos de higiene femenina o de higiene general nuevos y coloquelos en los contenedores del salón social. Los artículos serán donados a Alternativas a la Violencia del Palouse. La colección finaliza el Mardi Gras (martes 4 de marzo).
All parish women are invited to join us at 6:30 PM. Come pray, learn how you can help out with parish activities, and meet new friends. If you can’t make the meetings, contact the parish office, and we’ll put you on the email list so you know what’s coming up.