Saturdays inside the church from 3-4 pm. (No confession April 6, 2024)
Tuesday through Friday by appointment 509-332-5312.
Or email parish secretary Mary Sutherland
Thursday 6 to 7 PM in the church. There is no Adoration on Thanksgiving Day.
Friday 12:15 PM in the church. There is no Friday rosary the day after Thanksgiving.
7:15 AM and 7:00 PM
*If the holy day of obligation falls on a Sunday, Masses will be at 7:15, 8:30, 10, and 11:00 AM.
Each week seven Masses are offered here at the parish. One of those weekend Masses is "Missa Pro Populo," which is Latin for "Mass for the People." The others are open for your special intentions: a deceased loved one, a friend who is ill, a relative serving in the military, an anniversary, or another intention. Feel free to contact the parish office 509-332-5312 or email parish secretary Mary Sutherland to schedule a Mass.